Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


dUh pSiNg BgT nIcH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pr sOsIoLoGi lOM SlSaI n gK NgRtI GmN NgRjKnX
oH GoD HeLp mE.............
I NeeD YoUr hElP................
pLeAsE HElP Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fInAlLY I ReMEmBer My aDdreS.....................
oH ThAnK's GoD....................
bSoK KsI IbU AlMt yG BrU aHhHh...................


AdUh g mNa NiCh..............
q lPa aLmAt bLoG Q MnA ibU mNtA Lg................
AhHhHh PuSnG..........................

/* --- * Blogger Template Style---- * Name: Harry Potter----- *Designer: J.aghili ----- * URL: ------ * Date: 2007 August ----- */
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